#1588. 儒略日 (Julian Day)

儒略日 (Julian Day)


To make calculations easier, astronomers use Julian Day to express time. The Julian Day is defined as the number of days that have elapsed from 12 noon on January 1, 4713 BC to a certain time thereafter. If it is less than one day, it is expressed as a decimal. If this astronomical calendar is used, every moment will be evenly mapped to the number axis, so that the difference between them can be easily calculated.

Now, given a Julian Day without a decimal part, please calculate the Gregorian date corresponding to the Julian Day (it must be 12 noon on a certain day).

Our current calendar is the Gregorian calendar, which was modified on the basis of the original Julian calendar by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. It is not directly related to the Julian Day. Specifically, the current Gregorian calendar date is calculated according to the following rules:

  1. After October 15, 1582 (inclusive): Gregorian calendar is applicable, 3131 days in January, 2828 days or 2929 days in February, 3131 days in March, 3030 days in April, 3131 days in May, 3030 days in June, July 3131 days, August 3131 days, September 3030 days, October 3131 days, November 3030 days, December 3131 days. Among them, the February of a leap year is 2929 days, and the average year is 2828 days. When the year is a multiple of 400400, or the year is a multiple of 44 but not a multiple of 100100, the year is a leap year.
  2. October 5th (inclusive) to October 14th (inclusive), 1582 AD: These dates have been deleted, and October 4th is followed by October 15th of the year.
  3. Before October 4, 1582 AD (inclusive): the Julian calendar is applicable, and the number of days in a month is the same as the Gregorian calendar, but as long as the year is a multiple of 44, it is a leap year.
  4. Although the Julian calendar was only implemented in 45 BC and had undergone several adjustments in the early days, today humans are accustomed to deduct everything before October 4, 1582 according to the final rules of the Julian calendar. Note that the year zero does not exist, that is, the year following the year 1 BC is the year 1 AD. Therefore, the first year BC, the first 5 years, the first 9 years, the first 13 years... and so on should be regarded as leap years.

Input Format

The input file name is julian.in.

The first line contains an integer QQ, the number of test cases.

The next QQ lines contain non-negative integers. Each line contains rir_i, ii -th Julian Day.

Output Format

The output file is julian.out.

Output QQ lines where each line is a string sis_i representing the date for Julian Day, rir_i.

The format is as follows:

  1. If the year is after the AD, the output format is Day Month Year. The day, month, and year do not contain any leading zeros and are separated by a space. For example: at 12 noon on November 7, 2020, the output is 7 11 2020.
  2. If the year is BC, the output format is Day Month Year BC. The year outputs the value of the year, and the rest is the same as after the AD. For example: at 12 noon on February 1, 841 BC, the output is 1 2 841 BC.
11 1 4713 BC 
10 4 4713 BC
27 9 4711 BC
14 9 763 
15 8 3501
12 7 6239


Test Point Number QQ= rir_i\le
1 10310^3 365365
2 10410^4
3 10510^5
4 10410^4 3×1053\times10^5
5 2.5×1052.5\times10^5
6 10510^5
7 5×1065\times10^6
8 10710^7
9 10910^9
10 doesn't exceed 10910^9